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Friday 14 March 2014


Bismil Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem/ In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Assalaamu alaikum warahmatul Laahi wabarkaatuhu brothers and sisters in Islam. 

It is without doubt that Islam is among our greatest blessings and we must never fail to recognize, acknowledge and thank and praise Allah, Al-Rahmaan, for that fact and favour. Alhamdu lil Laah! Alhamdu lil Laah! Alhamdu lil Laah! May Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aalaa sustain us on His path and bring us on it if we are not. Aameen.

Today, Friday, 14th of March, I’d like us to do some little deep thinking. From the Qur’an, you realize that Allah, Ar-Raheem, calls upon us to do some thinking, pondering, reflection, contemplation, try to understand, etc.; aren’t they all the same? (Well, never mind that).

The parable of the spider and his web and the cave

He stares at his beautifully woven web and feels so majestic (I mean the spider). He could not stop admiring his home and his great talent. He totally forgets the extremely huge cave in which his insignificantly tiny home reside…

She just put some washed clothes on the dry-line and then it starts raining (I’m telling a different story now). She is almost about to explode in anger. At who? She says that if she knew that it was going to rain, she wouldn’t have worried herself to wash and she gets so annoyed with ??? (I mean, question marks).

And among His Signs….

That uncompleted sentence above is something I see in the Qur’an quite often. It either begins a sentence or it is in the middle of it or it ends it. That is a real big deal for every reader of the Qur’an I believe. May I ask you for a favour? Ok, could you please take time to look at all these aayaat? Mmmm! That would be great!

Ever said or heard anyone saying any of these?

·         Mtchewww! It is too sunny today why?
·         Look at this rain spoiling all my plans for today!
·         She is too fat/thin/tall/short/dark/fair (In an annoyed manner)
·         This language is not nice at all
·         She looks like a male/He looks like a girl (In an unpleasant manner)
·         Head/eyes/mouth/nose/ears/etc. are too big (Displeased)

Now, if I’m going to continue, it will be endless so let me just hold it there. I guess you might have said that or others before (if you haven’t, I think that is a blessing you must praise Allah for) and if you have said that before, then….


You must think again…

Remember that all of these are one thing? Could you guess? Let me leave you to do that for now…

For Rabia, when she hears the adhan, it reminds her of THE CRIER OF JUDGEMENT DAY!

When she sees the snow fall, it is as if she’s seeing THE BOOK OF DEEDS drifting from the sky!

When she sees a pack of swarming grasshoppers, she is reminded of RESURRECTION!

What about me? (I’ve asked you enough questions already so this one goes to me) I ask myself… well, no. I never even thought of it.

The parable of you in a tiny corner of the world where you occupy and the World

So, have you ever been so amazed by someone’s building, car, anything that you talk about on and on again? (Sorry, this question goes to you now) It is natural for the answer to be yes. If it is not ‘yes’ for you, then I guess you’re harder to impress than me (well, the things that many see as little get at me the more). It is true that we make the things that our fellow humans make more ‘eyewise appealing to us’ so much that we talk about it over and over again. We forget, like the bee above, that it is only an insignificantly tiny bit of the world. 

Compare the spider’s tiny web to the huge cave…yet he ignores the cave and its maker!

Our creations compared to that of Allah in ‘might and splendour’ are like a tip of a needle in all the waterbodies in the world put together, it is much smaller…

Now, what is this lady trying to say by allowing herself to be angered by rain that falls by the command of Allah just because of her ‘clothes’ that she could always dry later with His own ‘sunshine’? Nastagfirul Laah! We indeed err…

Allah tells us...

‘And of His signs is that He created you from dust; then, suddenly you were human beings dispersing [throughout the earth]. And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge. And of His signs is your sleep by night and day and your seeking of His bounty. Indeed in that are signs for a people who listen. And of His signs is [that] He shows you the lightening [causing] fear and aspiration, and He sends down rain from the sky by which He brings to life the earth after its lifelessness. Indeed in that are signs for a people who use reason. And of His signs is that the heaven and earth remain by His command. Then when He calls you with a [single] call from the earth, immediately you will come forth.’

Surah Ar-Rum, the Romans, Chapter 30 ayah 20-25

Subhaanal Laahi Robbil ‘aalameen! Tabaarakal Laahu ahsanul khaaliqeen. Indeed, Allah, the One and Only, is without doubt; ‘Extremely Great.’

These are just a few of His signs that He calls upon our minds to ponder on in order to see that His greatness is incomparable to none and He is great beyond our reason. But? There is always a ‘but’. What do you and I do? We say the evil things listed above. We question the perfection and order of Allah’s creation. We underestimate His awesomeness. We turn ourselves into the ‘examiners’ of His creation and we mark Him wrong all the time. How dare us!!! (Nastagfirul Laah!)

And how do we do that?

By complaining bitterly against natural phenomena which are solely so by Allah’s order…


‘We could not create even a mosquito.

So brothers and sisters in Islam, Islam is our blessing and we must understand that everything that Allah, the Creator, makes is perfect and the diversity in the creation is towards one thing: SEEING HIS MAJESTY! Not complaining bitterly over them when we have no control over them.

And Oh! Brothers and Sisters, remember, never and ever bullshit (I mean do not shove aside easily) the miracles that Allah, Al-Haqq, has placed all around you. You will understand more when you contemplate on them. So, the next time you see anything by Allah, the Al-Azeez, do not look away or look at it once. No! No! No! Look at it again and again and again and thank and praise Allah, the Sufficient, for them. 

Wake up your heart brother and sister!!!

And this goes to me more than you.

NOTE: Please stop complaining against nature…try very hard not to. Train yourself to do that.

Alhamdu lil Laah for the blessing of Islam. May He grant us ‘Eemaan’ and then ‘Ihsan’ and more if any. May He make us fulfill the purpose of our lives, ‘His worship’ no matter how short they are. Aameen thumma aameen.

Remember this always; ‘I LOVE YOU FIISABI LIL LAAH’ and if you love me for the same reason, then may Allah, Al-Wadud, love us the more. Aameen. Jazaakumul Laahu khair!!!

Rubaba Mmahajia Rahma Sabtiu

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