1. Arrogance is indeed an ugly thing...
2. @Fatima Farida School in Aboabo, Kumasi. Excellent school for every Muslim child. Kudos to Paragon Foundation #lovely
3. Do not busy yourself with leaving a legacy behind that would not translate into your 'high points' in your hereafter... #legacythings
4. You could cover your whole body but if you have a seductive posture....then your physical Hijab is questionable! #allmyladies
5. Recalling an advice;
'When I was getting married to my husband, I was not so Islamic so I did not consider his Islamic inclination much. When I look at where I am targeting in spirituality and I look at my husband now, we seem to be on different roads.'
From a sweet mum of mine as we talked about 'who?'
6. Allahu Waliyyul laziina 'aamanuu yukhrijuhum minaz zulumaati ilan nur...
Allah is the ally of those who have believed, He takes them out of the darknesses into light...
May we be among them. Aameen
6. Just sometimes there is this great yearning to share in someone else's pain but you realize that all that you could ever do is to show sympathy or empathy and then you console... the person will have to deal with the pain by him/herself...
May Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa ease everyone's pain. Aameen #sad
7. 'Just to think that the ground on which we walk is filled with the bodies of billions of deceased human beings to have lived until now; bodies now completely turned to dust, like billions of shadows piled upon one another... Tomorrow, we too are bound to glide into this dense shadow. From there, an eternal life will begin; a journey to the never-ending. In that case, let's stop a while and think: What wise mind would trade a moment for eternity?'
Osman Nuri Topbas
(Contemplation in Islam)
8. The
du'a of a mother does not fall to the ground...one of my mum's sayings. A
mother's du'a was able to turn a troublesome child into the Imam of
Ka'abah. And as always, I had a powerful flow of du'a from my mum this
morning (today's was too much). Waiting to see it all. Seen loads of it
already though...alhamdu lil Laah for the blessing of a great mum, 'she
is the RAHMA in me.... #alhamdulilLaahforeverymother
9. Give your heart to Allah azza wa jal, not another human... #takeheartandbestrong
10. Declaring today as my day of 'day dreaming.' Heheheheee.......... sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! #gettingpersonalwithfacebookff
11. Every woman wants/needs a husband who helps with domestic work sometimes... #theprophetisanexample
12. Truthfullness is a trait that is easily lovable in a person.... #betrue
13. It is almost as if I'm seeing my play A LETTER TO THE MAKER OF LAWS on stage...putting tears in my eyes #@KNUST
14. @A programme at KNUST and enjoying some beautiful drama right now...
15. Every woman needs a husband with a bigger element of 'mercy' #allmyladies
16. Subhaanal Laah! Subhaanal Laah! Allahu Akbar! Allah is REAL.... He just put me in a state of joy that is blowing my mind... Subhaanal Laah! A confirmation of my du'a and the du'a of others...Alhamdu lil Laah! Give thanks to Allah on my behalf... (note: it is not that I'm getting married wai, just in case) #IcannotcountthemiraclesIhaves
17. The Khutbah was about 'Mu soo juna' 'Let's love one another.' The Imam stressed on the fact that the moment we are Muslims, Allah subhaanahu wa ta aa'laa and His Messenger, suallal Laahu a'layhi wa sallam bind us. It is however sad that Muslims allow some slight differences among them divide them. He spoke against that vehemently... #letusloveoneanother
if everytime you commit a sin, it is written on your house ?What if sin
had a bad odor that comes out of the sinner to scandalize him? If so, I
bet no one will will stand his friend's stench. Only ALLAHs mercy
shields our sins from being publicized.
You see, one of the important examples of Allah's mercy is that He covers up our short commings and does not expose our sins to people. As if that is not enough, He openned the window of repentance to us. He made repentance so easy for us. How merciful He is. He taught (our father Adam when he sinned) and indeed us this beautiful dua in (Quran, 7:23) " our Lord we have done an injustice to ourselves ; and incase You do not forgive us and have mercy on us indeed we will definitly be among the loosers "
You see, it is never amazing when a servant draws near his Lord. However, it is amazing enough when a Lord draws near his servant by showering His mercy upon Him.( subhana Lah) . May our hearts be filled with quick impulse to seek His forgiveness........DAILY IMAN BOOSTER (Misbah Samir)
You see, one of the important examples of Allah's mercy is that He covers up our short commings and does not expose our sins to people. As if that is not enough, He openned the window of repentance to us. He made repentance so easy for us. How merciful He is. He taught (our father Adam when he sinned) and indeed us this beautiful dua in (Quran, 7:23) " our Lord we have done an injustice to ourselves ; and incase You do not forgive us and have mercy on us indeed we will definitly be among the loosers "
You see, it is never amazing when a servant draws near his Lord. However, it is amazing enough when a Lord draws near his servant by showering His mercy upon Him.( subhana Lah) . May our hearts be filled with quick impulse to seek His forgiveness........DAILY IMAN BOOSTER (Misbah Samir)
19. You have to own your heart to be able to purify it...#ponder
20. A man at the time of the Prophet SAW was an alcoholic. Once
he was brought to the Prophet SAW in drunken state, and it was
decreed that he be lashed. After a few days, he was caught drinking
again, and was brought to the Prophet SAW and lashed. After a
few days he was caught yet again drinking alcohol, and brought
to the Prophet SAW and lashed.
After being lashed, when he turned to leave, a person from
the Companions said, 'May Allah curse him! How often he has
come here to be lashed!'
The Prophet SAW turned to him whilst his complexion had visibly
changed, and said, 'Do not curse him! By Allah, I know that
he loves Allah and His Messenger!' (al-Bukhari and Muslim)
When you deal with people, be just. Remember the good
that they have, and make them feel that their evil has not made
you forget their good. This will bring them closer to you.
Before you begin to uproot the 'tree of evil' in others, look
for the 'tree of good' and water it.
From the book: ENJOY YOUR LIFE
21. So, I have seen quite a number of husbands in these times who are trying all their best to share in the passion of their wives (Allah inclined of course) so much so that they do not just help them financially but they help them to the latter. Lovely and worth appreciating if you ask me. And I think every Muslim woman who has such passion 'NEEDS' a husband like that. May Allah reward such men and may their wives appreciate their efforts. And may He grant every single woman such a husband. Aameen. #allmyladies
22. What is the essence of loading so much knowledge in the head if it cannot influence your actions and it cannot be shared with others? Then it would be as Allah has said: 'You are like a donkey carrying books.' #ponder
May Allah swt save us...
23. Among my greatest yearnings... To be a mother, not only biological... #myyearnings
1. Imagine that I stand before Allah on the Day of Accountability and all the good I ever did was only to please 'YOU' and not 'HIM.' Subhaanal Laah! But that is the reality of 'riyaa.' May we be saved from even the minutest of it. Aameen #riyaaisdangerous
2. Do not ever use any kind of dubious means to get someone to be your husband or wife. Don't you ever... #realtalk
3. I have always felt deeply for women who are unable to give birth. It isn't pleasant imagining their wanting and pain. To think that after so many years of a woman's craving for a child and then she is finally granted one. The days of pregnancy, the pain of childbirth, she cannot even see that which she had yearned for and carried all the while because of the irresponsibility of some people. How extremely heartless. We cannot even put ourselves in another person's shoe... #woesofawoman
4.Get married!!! #mostpopularwordsformenow Heheheeeeee
5.Were I to give an advice to my Muslim brother who seeks to hold unto his chastity fiisabi lil Laah, I would tell him that when he is told to lower his gaze, he should start with lowering the gaze of his heart first and then lowering his eyes get a lot more easier otherwise no matter how much a woman covers, Shaitaan will still have a way with his heart even if his eyes are close. This is especially important because we are in a time when the woman is being enslaved in nudity... #think
6. To my ladies, gosh, if you truly want to be free, I mean really free, then get a grip on your heart and say no to that man who wants nothing but your body. That man who wants to hug you and give you a peg and kiss you and all of that when you are not his wife nor sister nor mother.That man who encourages you to nudity so he could satisfy his selfish self. It isn't civilization, it is slavery... BE BOLD!!! #THINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKK
7. Tomorrow is one of such days that brings with it a lot more evil than good. So much immoral happenings all in the name of love. It is one of such days when most indiscipline men and women equate love to sex. It is one of such day when young ladies who have kept their virginity just lose it to some unscrupulous guys all in the name of love. I have seen this happen. It is one such day that brings about the shortage of condoms and other contraceptives. The list of evil is endless. The history of such a day is itself evil. Subhaanal Laah! What then is the business of the Muslim with such a day???? #ponder
8. Hassan al-Basri was one of the greatest Tabi’en (students of the Companions RA). Once, after giving the Friday sermon a group of slaves came to him and said, “Shaykh please, next week, give a speech about freeing the slaves!” Hassan agreed and next week there, waiting anxiously, were the slaves. Hassan ascended the pulpit as the sun rises to the heavens. His speech moved hearts and brought tears to dry eyes, but he failed to mention anything about freeing slaves? The slaves thought to themselves that the Shaykh must have forgot, thus, once again, the following week they took the 50 yard line seats and waited hoping soon to be free. However, the Shaykh failed to mention anything again? After a number of weeks the slaves were sure that the Shaykh sold them out, gotten cold feet and they began to hold the Shaykh in contempt.
One year passed and the tired slaves entered the Masjid of the Shaykh. They had long since forgotten their request and were taken aback, when suddenly he began to mention the conditions of slaves and the importance of freeing them! Their faces looked like bright lamps as the Shaykh encouraged all to free their slaves in exchange for Allah’s mercy and pleasure.
After the sermon the slaves were freed and they ran to the Shaykh asking why he waited one year to give the speech. Hassan al-Basri responded: “At the time you ask me to give the speech I readily agreed. However, after you left I realised that I had no slave of my own. Being a poor man I had to save some money for around one year’s time in order to purchase a slave. Today, alhumdulillah! I was able to purchase a slave. After I purchased him I went to the market and freed him. Finally, I went to the Masjid and gave my sermon.” Looking baffled the freed men asked, “But why? Why did you go to all this trouble?” The Shaykh responded, “If I gave that speech a year ago I would have been encouraging the people to do something that I had not done. Thus, I decided to wait until I freed a slave so that my actions and words would be equal.”
May Allah reward Hassan al-Basri, enlighten his grave and bless us to be those who act on what they know.
9. Among our greatest blessings is the sight of the heart. If our hearts aren't seeing, then we are in big trouble. If our hearts are seeing, then we are blessed. Alhamdu lil Laah...
1. LOVE is Allah...
2. So far as there is going to be a seat in Jannah for a male and for a female and there is going to be a seat in Jahannam for a male and for a female, we should not be worrying ourselves about which gender is going to be more in Jannah and Jahannam but we should strive hard and seek Allah's rahma so that He out of His own will, will save us from the seat in Jahannam and bless us with the favour of a seat in Jannah... #think
3. When your heart is at peace, then everything that happens around you becomes peaceful... Alhamdu lil Laah. Inner peace!
4. I tell Allah...
'Take care of my mum'
And He, the Owner of Power, does just that... Alhamdu lil Laahi kaseeran
5. There is always a confirmation that every single bit of my du'a is answered... Alhamdu lil Laah... pondering on my blessings. Thank and praise Allah azza wa jal on my behalf...
The Prophet Muhammad, the peace and blessings of Allah ta'aalaa be upon him, is extremely easy to love more than anyone else other than Allah azza wa jal... He was amazingly awesome.
7. At this moment, I am experiencing how it feels like to be shelterless. Virtually standing in the rain but of course the difference is that I am enjoying the teaching moment and I have a shelter waiting for me somewhere. Most people don't... Alhamdu lil Laah for everything. May we be forgiven for our ingratitude. Ameen
8. A plea
From my heart
To my brothers
On behalf of my sisters
Please do not take advantage of them
Even when they push you to
Let their chastity
Be important to you
As it is to God Almighty
That you would want for:
Your mothers, aunts, sisters, wives...
9. Get to know and understand first, then you can begin talking...
10. Life is serious, take it so....
11. A great wife
An excellent mother
A dream
Most women's
But only Allah's blessings
May we be granted this blessing. Ameen.
12. The pangs of birth that a mother endures cannot be requitted in any manner, not even if a son carries her on his shoulders and makes tawaaf around Ka'abah and carries her during Hajj. A mother suffers much pain and agony, more than a father does, when she carries her child in her womb, gives birth, nourishes with her milk and rears the child while it grows. Therefore, it has been commanded to be more courteous to the mother than to the father.
From the book: Bringing up Children in Islam
13. O my sister!
O my brother!
Be careful with how very fast you pick a person or people up and put them into Hell
You could never tell what knowledge Allah azza wa jal has blessed them with...
14. If you can deal with the whims and caprices of your heart, then you can deal with anything...
15. No matter how fragile you are, you will always find more than enough strength to speak the truth even when people don't like it. Allah is Al-Haqq remember? And Allah is the owner of strength... Go ahead! Speak the truth and stand tall...
16. Don't be surprised when a man who comfortably plays games with you outside of marriage begin to play games with other women whiles married to you. You should not think he is not God fearing to break marital rules. What you should know from the onset is that he is simply a man who has no regard for rules, whether that of God or that of man and you are probably no different...#thinnnnnnk my ladies
17. The strength of a woman lies in her heart not in her muscles. If she hasn't found the strength in her heart, then she hasn't found her strength yet.
18. A good heart is too easy to love...
19. We all have our connection with Allah, let's develop it. Mufti Menk
20. I just got another boost to making life better from my mentor and 2nd mum this afternoon...
'Pray to Allah to prepare your womb for that gem that He is going to bless you with.' Haj Samia
21. What if the answer to your prayers is only in twenty years time and Allah azza wa jal is going to keep you alive to see it? Ponder!
1. Do not put the source of your happiness and sorrow in the hands of a human or any creation. Subhaanal Laah! Why would you do that? Claim your life...
2. The promise of Allah is true... yet most of us doubt it
3. The intention for which you marry is as important as the marriage itself and it determines how content you will be with that marriage or not. For example, if you marry because you want children and Allah deprives you of children, how content would you be? Think & Reflect!!!
4. And do not die except that you are Muslim...
6. Would you subject yourself to crying all your life over petty issues? Really? What about all the countless blessings Allah has surrounded you with? Would you just keep laughing all your life because of the worldly things you think you possess? Really? What about the fact that someday, you will give account of everything? PONDER!
7. ...innal mautal lazii tafirruna minhu fa innahu mulaakiikum...
...the death from which you flee will surely meet you...
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