Assalaamu alaikum warahmatul Laahi ta’aalaa wa
barkaatuh sweeeeeeet sisters! Now, you’ve got to respond to that because it is
obligatory upon one to respond to a greeting. Allah, the Almighty says;
‘And when you are
greeted with a greeting, greet [in return] with one better than it or [at
least] return it [in a like manner]. Indeed, Allah is ever, over all things, an
Surah An-Nisa, the Women, Chapter 4 ayah 86
Ok! So, I just came out of an amazing Muslimah sisters’
get together; a programme actually; ‘Ghana Muslimah Dilemma (GMD)’ and the
sisterhood feel is still fresh in my heart. Been wanting to pour out my heart
on this topic for a long time now and this morning, a Monday, March 10, 2014, I
just want to pour a bit of this feel at least.
From being seen almost as a snob in Senior High School
to now being referred to some as ‘strange (even my closest pals think so,
amazing huh),’ I have come to recognize, accept and want to spread the
importance of Islamic Sisterhood. That is simply because as I learn Islam the
more, I see our unity as Muslims in general and Muslim women especially as
extremely important.
Looking into the life of the most amazingly awesome
person ever, the noble Prophet Muhammad, the peace and blessings of Allah azza
wa jal be upon him, and how he taught both his men and women companions to live
with one another, I see a great challenge in our time. We are in a time when
everyone is for herself due to some very trivial reasons which we could easily
do away with.
I also see that we are in a time when we need one
another as sisters who share a common believe more than ever. That is because
the challenges to our being ‘Muslim women’ gets worse and worse and some Muslim
sisters are gradually giving up in the struggle to hold firmly unto the most
blessed gift that anyone could ever have; ‘Islam.’
‘The believing men
and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and
forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His
Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in
Might and Wise.’
Surah At-Tauba, the
Repentance, Chapter 9 ayah 71
I believe each
one of us understands the importance of ‘Allah having ‘Mercy’ upon us.’ We
would gain this through being allies of one another and for me it is easy if we
make up our minds to do so. In this kind of alliance that is towards attaining ‘Allah’s
Rahma’ however, there must be one thing; ‘Enjoining
one another to that which is right and helping one another against that which
is wrong.’ To me, that is the best of alliance because there is ‘Allah’ in
Alhamdu lil Laah, I have been blessed with an uncountable
number of sisters even though I am my mother’s only daughter and I have other
blood sisters. And of course, I have a number of non-Muslims whom I consider
sisters. My linkage with the Muslim sisters is for one reason only; ‘Fiisabilil
Laah!’ ‘For the sake of Allah.’ I met some during school, some outside of
school, some on social networks (facebook, whatsapp, etc), and our common ‘Islamic
Goal’ had kept us in touch and moving (not always physically) together in our
Among the things we must be clear on however in this
kind of alliance are;
For the Sake of
The love between us must come naturally. It must simply
be because she is a Muslim and I love her fiisabilil Laah! Nothing more,
nothing less! And I have come to learn the ease with which love for the sake of
Allah comes about. I am the type who will naturally be hollow-minded about
anyone I meet for the first time until I begin to know him or her then I could
decide the kind of person he or she is and whether we could get along or not.
Somehow however, I have come to learn how to recognize the Allah in people and
appreciate them for it. And as I get to see more of how Allah inclined a person
is, I fall even the more in love with him or her fiisabilil Laah!
"On the Day of Judgement,
Allah, the Most High, will announce, 'Where are those who love each other for
the sake of My pleasure? This day I am going to shelter them in the shade
provided by Me. Today there is no shade except My shade."
Now, I know each one of us will give everything to have
this blessing from Allah. So then, why don’t we just love one another for His
sake? What better way to love one another than to do du’a (prayer) for one
another even when the other doesn’t know and to desire for one another what we
desire for ourselves. The Prophet Muhammad, suallal Laahu ta’aaalaa alayhi
wassallam says;
"None of you has Iman (faith)
until he desires for his brother (or sister) Muslim that which he desires for
himself (or herself)."
(Bukhari and Muslim)
The Other Things…

Indeed, sincerity is a beautiful thing and among the
best gift you can give in any kind of relationship is sincerity. No telling of
lies to or about one another. It is heart breaking really if you really give
all your heart to a sister fiisabilil Laah and the person lies to and against
you (talking from experience). It is almost like a demeaning of your mind.

There is this thing about some of us that is not
commendable at all. If we have issues with one another, let us talk about it
instead of letting it eat us up in our hearts. Our sisterhood should be such
that there are no buried grudges. Let your sister know that as for you, if you
have a problem with her, you’d let her know so that when you aren’t saying
anything, she knows all is well. In my opinion, it helps. And you have to also
be like that to her in order to make things work. If this is also going to work
among us as Muslim sisters, then we should be ready to listen to the other’s
complaints and offer explanations, apologies, solutions, etc. to them where

"A Muslim is a mirror to
another Muslim"
And I found the exact explanation
the ‘Muslimah Sisterhood’ needs on this hadith from

says it all…
the Prophet, suallal Laahu alaihi wassalaam also says;
"Help your (Muslim) brother (or
sister) when he commits a wrong and when a wrong is committed against him,
someone asked, "O Messenger of Allah, I understand how I can help him if a
wrong is committed against him, but how can I help him if he is himself
committing a wrong?" At that the Prophet (SAW) answered, "Stopping
him from committing the wrong is helping him."
how stopping a sister from doing wrong is actually some help to her instead…may
we be blessed with ilm (knowledge), hikma (wisdom), and faham (understanding).
We have human differences
Well, it is sometimes difficult to connect with some
Muslim sisters because they are simply ‘unresponsive’ to us. Sometimes that is
due to the fact that they do not understand the essence of the ‘Islamic Bond’
and sometimes it is just their character. What sisters have to know is that
these are hurdles we can do away with. If you are a sister who is having a hard
time getting along with other Muslim sisters for one reason or the other, just know
that we have human differences and all that is required of you is to give your
portion of the love fiisabilil Laah. Perhaps, the sisters will learn from you
or from other sources to understand the essence of your need to bond with them.
Islam is thicker than blood, right?
Some character
traits are a no no no…
Arrogance is a dangerous thing just as humility is
adorable. Forget the class, the age, the knowledge, the wealth, the beauty, the
status, etc and just let the love flow fiisabilil Laah. Envy is deadly. Quick
temperedness is yet another bad one. Backbiting and slander is as dangerous.
And there are more…do a character check and try working on deleting all the bad
ones and improving on the good ones. May Allah help us do away with our bad
traits. Aameen.
I guess I’ve said quite a lot. We have to note that
there are loads of benefits in this Dunya (world) and the Akhira (hereafter)
that we stand to gain if we built our bond fiisabilil Laah! And there is this
amazing hadith that puts a smile on my face anytime. The Prophet, Suallal Laahu
alayhi wassallam says;
"If a person loves his brother,
he should inform him of this fact."
(Abu Dawud and Tirmidi)
And during the time of the Prophet, Suallal Laahu
alayhi wassallam, his men and women companions had spread their love for one
another both in words and deeds all in hope of attaining Allah’s pleasure. We
could do the same no matter the challenges.
So sisters, are we going to let it show, our love for
one another for the sake of Allah? Are we going to work on building the ‘Muslimah
Sisterhood?’ If yes, that will be excellent.
Now, I want to say something to your heart and I pray
it goes into the deeper part of your heart because it is coming from very deep
within mine;
If you love me too for the same reason, then may the
One for whose sake you love me love you even more. Aameen.
Remember to give me
that smile that does things to the heart when you see me at least. Give me that
soothing hug that reminds me of the blessing of Islam and just go ahead and
give me kisses fiisabilil Laah!
To Allah we are grateful for His many favours
especially of Islam. Taqabbalul Laahu minkum wa minnee, ‘May Allah accept from
you and from me.’
Mmahajia Rahma Sabtiu!!!
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