
As I grow, I learn and as I learn, I grow
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Sunday, 23 March 2014


Bismil Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem

So, I am writing about someone's dream. You will know whom soon.

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatul Laahi wa barkaatuh

So the author of this story had a dream today, 23rd March, between 9am and 10am. He is a father of two wonderful daughters, Heebatul Laah and Barakatul Laah. Great names, isn’t it? May Allah azza wa jal make them a blessing to us. Aameen.

The Early Morning Dream

Once a mother bought an iPhone for her daughter, as usual, always showering her with material things and no moral training. She needed to cut a SIM for the iPhone so she met a guy who said he could do it for her at a particular price. She agreed.

In the cause of cutting the SIM, the guy injured himself but completed the job anyway. He took the money but needed to give her some change. He told her to excuse him to go and treat his wound and then get her change for her as well.

He met some of his friends whiles treating his injury and they advised him not to return the change to the girl and rather ignore her since she didn't seem to be concerned about his injury. He took their advice and did not return to the girl.

Furious, she went to complain to her mum. Her mum became so angry and told her to go and find the guy and give him a piece of her mind.

The following day, the girl met the guy in public and disgraced him. In fact, she insulted him, pushed and yelled at him in public. The girl succeeded in disgracing him before the public eye. Almost everyone supported the girl. They forcefully took some money from the guy to compensate the girl. 

Instead of leaving quietly, she shouted at the guy that;

"My mum even says I shouldn't have given you a penny!"

The guy got so mad at her and his friends added to his annoyance by making fun of him. They told him that he was a weak guy and he doesn't even deserve to walk with them, etc.
He planned and caught the girl off guard one day and he beat her until she collapsed and later got paralyzed.

The girl became a burden on her mum and other family members. The guy was arrested and had a serious infection from the cut because he did not bother to treat his injury well.

My Reaction

So I laughed my head off. I was actually kept in serious suspense to have this story, could you believe? And the title is even more interesting. I wasn’t surprised though that this man could have such a dream, heheheee! He is ‘Technology’ inclined… Apple, iPhone, i thems and all… Plus he is an ICT person at Wisconsin International University! Iccccccttttttt! I am laughing in ICT terms.

But of course, the dream as it makes us laugh also teaches. 

SJF (Sheryf Jannah Focus), whom I like to refer to as Shef, as humorous as he mostly is, derived some lessons from this story. Rahma Iyabo, my sweet mami also derived her own. 

SJF’s Lessons

(And oh! They found the story interesting as well, hohohooo)
1.      Don't cheat others
2.      What goes around, comes around
3.      Patience is better than anger
4.      Forgiveness is better than personal revenge
5.      Bad friends have dangerous influence
6.      The evil that men do, lives after them

Rahma Iyabo’s Lessons

1.      Patience
2.      Respect
3.      Avoid bad company
4.      Loving your child doesn’t mean showering them with whatever they want
5.      Train them well not to be selfish and proud.
6.      Habba! iPhone for a small girl? Money be what? (Is that a lesson? Lol)
7.      And about the injury, First-Aid is always very important

My Lessons

1.      Reminds me of the story of ‘The Man and the Talking Skull,’ a cartoon that a little bro of mine, Badhan Diallo, showed me some time back.

The Story: The Man and the Talking Skull

A man sees a skull in the forest and wonders who brought the skull there.

MAN: (Surprised) How did this skull get here?

SKULL: My mouth brought me here.

He rushes to the chief’s house and informs him. As weird as the story was, the chief made a deal with him that if what he said wasn’t true then he will be decapitated. He went with people to go and verify.

MAN: (Talking to the skull) How did you get here?

SKULL: (As quiet as a mouse)

So he kept asking but the Skull didn’t mind him a bit. So, he was decapitated and his head thrown close to the same skull. 

SKULL: (To the man) What brought you here man?

MAN: My mouth brought me here.

So, like this MAN, the girl’s sharp mouth brought unto her doom. So let’s check our mouths; it is sharper than the sharpest knife.

2.      Subhaanal Laah! What kind of a mother eggs her child on to trouble? Couldn’t she have gone to deal with the guy herself? Well, a note to mothers-to-be. 

3.      Ego has proven in this dream again to be a real killer. The guy’s ego caused him his doom. He could have easily let it pass.

We thank our brother for sharing with us this dream that looks funny on the surface but is filled with great lessons when looked at deeply. I believe in reflection, it brings out the clear picture.

Dream By
Muhammad Siraj
Wisconsin International University
Head, IT Support

I have the belief that;
‘From everything and anything, we must learn’
May Allah, Al-Wadud, accept our every effort to please Him and may He forgive us every day, every minute, every second. Aameen.
Remember as always that; ‘I LOVE YOU FIISABI LIL LAAH.’ If you love me for the same reason, then may Allah, Ar-Rahmaan, love us even more. Aameen.

Jazaakumul Laahu khair!!!
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatul Laah!!!
Rubaba Mmahajia Rahma Sabtiu

Saturday, 22 March 2014


Bismil Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatul Laahi wa barkaatuhu brothers in Islam. 

Alhamdu lil Laahi thumma alhamdu lil Laah for the linkage among us as brothers and sisters, which is Islam. May we live to fulfill the purpose of our lives. Aameen. Allah, Nurus samaawaati wal ard, tells us that;

‘You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah...’
Surah ‘Al-‘Imraan, the family of ‘Imraan, Chapter 3 ayah 110

May Allah, Ar-Razzak, make us among the best of nations. Aameen.

In my wild thoughts today, something came up. Something very interesting if you asked me. 

About a Year Plus Ago

So I was on a table with a sister of mine at a program. It was a GMSA (Ghana Muslim Student’s Association) handling over ceremony of one of the Halls in the University of Ghana. As we enjoyed the whole process, hot issues started coming up and as usual some of the guys started complaining about how difficult the Muslim ladies made it for them to ‘grab,’ a term for having a wife to be/husband to be on campus.

I wasn’t surprised because it seemed to be the norm. If one does not hear a discussion on this topic at any gathering of Muslims on campus, then there is definitely something wrong (smiles).

The Unfortunate Comments

So a guy out of wonder made a comment. Let me try to quote him;

‘And what is so special about the Muslim lady that the non-Muslim ladies do not have? And why are the Muslim ladies making themselves so difficult, are they better than the non-Muslim ladies.’

Well, you might not agree with me, but I thought that it was very unfortunate on his part to say that. Being someone who never keeps it in but let it out, I wanted to comment right away but I decided to stay under cover for that day even though it hurt not to say my mind. Other issues that came up, I don’t remember whether it was before his or after. Trying to quote one of them;

‘The Muslim ladies are not friendly at all.’

And I guess the issue of Muslim ladies not being romantic also came up.

Much Longer Years Ago

I was a level 100 student MCing a get together of the Muslims on campus organized by the Ladies’ Wing of GMSA. The issue of ‘grabbing’ came up. It was the first time I heard of anything like that. The passion exuded by the students on the topic was amazing. Most of the comments from the brothers put me off (Don’t worry, I was fresh from SHS and I had all the girls’ chichis with me, not my fault).

One of the resource persons, a mother of mine, told me that if we knew those were the things we wanted to talk about then we shouldn’t have invited them (the resource persons, that is). I did agree with her. Then my annoyance got to the peak when one guy took the mic., stood in front of the high table and said;

‘If you Muslim ladies do not want us to grab you, we will go for the non-Muslim ladies and you will not have anyone.’

Tried to quote him.

As he spoke, I suddenly went to take the mic. from him but that mother of mine told me to stop (I guess I was being a little rude). And this woman was annoyed than I was. 

Ok, enough of that one. Not a very good night I had any way.

Now, let me appoint myself the Muslimah’s ambassador. Fortunately for me, my name suddenly came up to respond to the issues that were raised at the GMSA handling over ceremony I wrote about above in the capacity of a former former women’s commissioner. I took the opportunity to make our Muslim men understand some little things about the Muslim lady.

My Point

The nature of our campus is such that we need to be together as Muslim ladies and gentlemen in order to enjoin upon one another that which is good (very scarce in that kind of environment) and forbid one another from that which is bad (abundant in that kind of environment). I have seen a lot of Muslims grow in the deen in their years in the university and vice versa. Unfortunately, no matter how close a man (Muslim or not) is to a Muslimah (who knows the dos and don’ts of being a Muslimah), there will always be that barrier between she and them.

So, I had made them understand that they should thank Allah for the attitude of such Muslim ladies who do not want to get too close (and a Muslimah can never get too close if only she knew the rules). She would not shake hands with you, hug you, give you pegs or kisses, she would not lie in the same bed with you, she would not be alone with you in the room (yours or hers), etc. Simply, she cannot get intimate, ever.

Now, the lack of intimacy that some Muslim men see from such Muslim ladies make them say a lot of unfortunate things, things that they should be giving thanks to Allah for. One thing that as a Muslim man you have to note is that;

‘Every woman has her charms. The Muslim woman tries to protect you from her charms as much as she can if you are not her husband or a relative whom she cannot marry.’

It is indeed true that we need the Muslim ladies and Muslim gentlemen to know one another, to grab one another for the purpose of marriage and nothing else. Unfortunately however, I can say with certainty that most of the grabbing that I saw happen whilst on campus never ended up in marriage. It is therefore necessary for every Muslimah that the Muslim guys understand this about them. 

Don’t Even Make it an Option

The Muslim woman is special by all standards and alhamdu lil Laah that some of the guys that I have met understand and respect this fact. For a Muslim guy to threaten that he would go for a non-Muslim lady instead if the Muslim lady does not avail herself to him, that is too bad. At the end of the day, he suffers? And we have seen a lot of our Muslim guys suffer the consequences of such an option. They cannot even have their children to be totally Muslim or even partly Muslim.

Alhamdu lil Laah, after my long passionate talk on the subject, the guy who had made the comment at the handling over had apologized and others as well. Today, he is one of my good Muslim brothers. Alhamdu lil Laah!

Respect the Muslimah who protects you from her charms

The Muslimah cannot be romantic to a man who isn’t her husband or a relative she cannot marry because we all know where ‘romantic’ leads to. The best kind of friendship you can have with her will always be strictly platonic. 

Allah tells us what our relationship as Muslim women and Muslim men should be like. He says;

The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
Surah At-Taubah, the Repentance, Chapter 9 ayah 71

My dear brother in Islam, the ayah above says it all. Remember to thank Allah azza wa jal for that Muslimah who saves you from her ‘romantic’ side, her charms, because indeed, by doing so, she saves you from a whole lot of trouble.

Do forgive me if I stepped on your toe in the wrong way and may Allah, the Forgiver of our every fault, forgive us all. Aameen.

Taqabbalul Laahu minnaa. Aameen.

Remember always that I love you fiisabi lil Laah and if you love me for the same reason then may Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aalaa love us even more. Aameen.

Jazaakumul Laahu khair!!!
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatul Laah!!!
Rubaba Mmahajia Rahma Sabtiu

Thursday, 20 March 2014


Bismil Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatul Laahi wa barkaatuh. Allahumma sualli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad wa ‘alaa aalihii wa ashaabihi wa sallam.

I pray that you are doing extremely great today. Alhamdu lil Laah for the blessing of Islam. What would we have done had we been among those who are lost? Subhaanal Laah! That would have been a great lose indeed.

It is definitely true that 

‘The one who loves you true is the one who tells you the truth.’

Love among us as Muslims is an obligation. When you really think about it, you realize that love for a fellow Muslim brother or sister comes naturally. If you haven’t found out that then think deeply. The benefits of loving one another fiisabi lil Laah are beyond our human comprehension. May Allah, Maaliki yaumud deen, put the love of our Muslim brothers and sisters into our hearts and bless us with the benefits that come with it. Aameen.

True Love
If you want to know what real love fiisabi lil Laah is, then let me give you some assignment; that is; if you don’t already know. 

The Assignment
1.      Read the seerah of the Prophet Muhammad, suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam
2.      Read the seerah of his companions, males and females, radiyal Laahu anhumaa
3.      Extract the love you see in their relationship with one another

That is true love fiisabi lil Laah…

The Test of True Love
So the two visitors had a shower and got ready to see the scholar whom they have been sent to. They hoped badly that this noble man (the Scholar that is) would offer them food before anything else. They were so hungry they could pass out anytime.

The Scholar came to their room and they exchanged greetings. Soon, the Scholar started talking to them about the relationship between he and their teacher who had sent them to him. He went on and on until they could not bear the hunger anymore.

THE SCHOLAR: Ooo! Pardon me! I forgot to provide you food. Let me see to that. (So he left them to see to their food. It was such a relieve to them)

1ST VISITOR: Subhaanal Laah! I am so hungry I thought I was going to die.

2ND VISITOR: The same for me. How could we afford to tell this respected man about our hunger? I thought he could see it by himself.

1ST VISITOR: I thought so too. You know what? I could eat a whole room of food.

2ND VISITOR: Me too my brother.

The Dark Dining Room
Soon they found themselves on mats with a small bowl of food between them. The Scholar left them alone again. Each one of them could not believe that the Scholar was going to offer them something this small. How were they going to be satisfied? They both knew too well that even a triple of that food will not be enough for even one of them.

1ST VISITOR: Alhamdu lil Laah for this meal. Some people are somewhere and they would not have this in years.

2ND VISITOR: Alhamdu lil Laah for this great blessing.

(These two visitors had been on a journey for two days and their scholar had instructed them not to eat nor drink until they got to his friend. They did just that)

1ST VISITOR & 2ND VISITOR: Let’s put out the light. (They said in unison. One of them went to put the light out)

 So they kept eating. Over an hour later, the Scholar guessing that they should be done with the food by now (they could have eaten it in less than 5 minutes any way) came to the room. Realizing the room was dark, he switched on the light.

What did he see?
He saw something that was amazingly beautiful. He saw true love between the visitors. Looking into the bowl of food, both visitors could not believe their eyes. The food was intact. Not even a morsel had been taken out of it.

SCHOLAR: (Sadly) My brothers! Why? Don’t you like the food? We can always give you something else.

BOTH: Astagfirul Laah! 

1ST VISITOR: How could we refuse food from you?

2ND VISITOR: Do forgive us.

SCHOLAR: So then, why didn’t you eat the food? (They each bowed their head in shyness).

1ST VISITOR: I would like to tell you alone why.

2ND VISITOR: Me too.

After they had told the Scholar why they both didn’t eat the food, he was filled with admiration for them. He prepared a feast for them. Meanwhile, none of them knew the reason why the other did not touch the food. After the feast, he told them a story.

A Pass for the Test
Their teacher had always taught them to love one another as Muslims for the sake of Allah. After many years of being with him as his students, he decided to give them a test. He planned with his friend, the Scholar, to send the two students to him. He would keep them hungry until they came to the Scholar. The Scholar knowing how hungry they were would offer them little food to see how they would react to each other’s hunger.

The two visitors were surprised. It never for once crossed their minds that everything was a planned work.

The Score
SCHOLAR: So you both suggested to each other that the light should be put off so that you would each leave the other to eat all the food in order for him to get satisfied. You were both willing to stay hungry whiles the other gets satisfied so at the end of the day, the food was not touched. That is true love fiisabi lil Laah!

Question: Would you and I have done the same?

You and I do not really believe until we love for our Muslim brothers and sisters what we love for ourselves.

The Prophet Muhammad, suallal Laahu ta’aalaa alayhi wa sallam had advised. (Bukhari & Muslim).

As always, I call upon your mind to ponder deeply on yourself. Do you really love your Muslim brothers and sisters fiisabi lil Laah? Don’t be hasty in answering.

Kick your heart up. Let it live…

I LOVE YOU FIISABI LIL LAAH! If you love me for the same reason, then may Allah, the Owner of Love, love us even more. Aameen.

Jazaakumul Laahu khair always!
Assalaamu Alaikum!
Rubaba Mmahajia Rahma Sabtiu