
As I grow, I learn and as I learn, I grow
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Friday, 3 May 2013


Really, it is very interesting how very ignorant some of us can be sometimes.

Is ignorance not a disease?

Is ignorance not the vice of the soul?

So then why do we settle for ignorance? Especially in things that really matter.

We are constantly reminded by our Creator, Al-Khaaliq, to ponder, to think, to reflect and to try to understand. Subhaanal Laah (glorified is Allah above all else), there is a lot of wisdom (hikma) in pondering.

Indeed, from pondering, we derive ilm (knowledge) which may be useless for us if we do not have hikma and hukm (wisdom and understanding). Like the donkey from the parable Allah gives us; ‘The donkey who carries books yet benefits not from the books.’ Unfortunately, some of us have knowledge without the second two. May we be granted these by Al-A’leem (the Knowledgeable), Al-Hakeem (The Wise). Ameen.

Today, I read for the umpteenth time the story of how our noble Prophet, Prophet Ibraaheem (Abraham), peace be upon him, tried his best to dissuade his people from worshipping idols instead of Allah, their Creator and His Creator even as a young man.


Allah tells us about Prophet Ibraaheem’s question to his father in Surah Maryam, 19:41- 45;

‘And mention in the Book, Ibraaheem. Verily, he was a man of truth, a Prophet. When he said to his father: ‘O my father! Why do you worship that which hears not, sees not and cannot avail you in anything? O my father! Verily, there has come to me of knowledge that which came not unto you. So follow me, I will guide you to the Straight Path. O my father! Worship not Shaitan. Verily Shaitan has been a rebel against the Most Gracious. O my father! Verily, I fear lest a torment from the Most Gracious should overtake you, so that you become a companion of Shaitan.’

Subhaanal Laah! Subhaanal Laah! Subhaanal Laah! We definitely have to ponder on these questions even now. Very powerful statements from which we can derive so much more than we can ever imagine. Yet, what did his father say?

‘…‘Do you reject gods, O Ibraaheem? If you stop not, I will indeed stone you. So get away from me safely.’

Same Surah: 46

Allahu Akbar! Look at the effect of ignorance. Do we sometimes find ourselves in such situations where we are cautioned by the people around us over something bad that we are doing and we refuse to even give ourselves the chance of pondering and realizing the truth in what they say? Rather than going straight to feel offense and react to it?

It reminds me of the story of Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) uncle, Abu Tualib. On his death bed, the Prophet had wished him to say the shahada (the testimony of faith) so that he could intercede for him on the Day of Mutual Loss and Gain even though he hadn’t lived a Muslim. His uncle, for the pride of his forefathers and constantly being reminded of that by Abu Jahl, another uncle of the Prophet who was very bad, had not said the shahada. Subhaanal Laah! Such a great loss!

Let us take heed brothers and sisters. Let us take heed whiles we still breathe. But the noble Prophet did not give up. He had said;

‘… ‘Peace be on you! I will ask forgiveness of my Lord for you. Verily, He is unto me Ever Most Gracious. And I shall turn away from you and from those whom you invoke besides Allah. And I shall call upon my Lord and I hope that I shall not be unblest in my invocation to my Lord.’

Same Surah: 47-48

Will you and I do this? After trying to convince someone towards the truth, we get such a reaction and we still continue in a peaceful way? We indeed must learn brothers and sisters.

And Allah tells us again in Surah Al-Ambiya (The Prophets), Chapter 21:52 about Prophet Ibraaheem’s interaction with his father and his people.

‘… ‘What are these images to which you are devoted?’

They answered;

‘… ‘We found our father’s worshipping them.’

Ayah 53

Well, I guess a lot of us are like that. We see our parents or family doing things and then we want to continue their tradition. In a case where it happens to be a bad tradition, couldn’t we reconsider and be the change of the lineage? Prophet Ibraaheem had said;

‘…‘Indeed, you and your fathers have been in manifest error.’

Ayah 54

And then they asked him a question.

‘…‘Have you brought us the Truth, or are you one of those who play about?’

Ayah 55

And he answered them saying;

‘… ‘Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, who created them and to that I am one of the witnesses. And by Allah, I shall plot a plan to destroy your idols after you have gone away and turned your backs.’

Ayah 56-57

What a bold young man he was. He would do anything to save his people. They would really regret not taking heed to his cries on the day of REMORSE AND REGRETS. May we never be like them. Ameen thumma ameen. Allah tells us;

‘So he broke them to pieces, all except the biggest of them, that they might turn to it.’

Ayah 58

I wonder how one can destroy people’s so called ‘gods’ so easily huh. Surprised at who could have dared destroy their objects of worship, they said;

‘Who has done this to our gods? He must indeed be one of the wrongdoers.’

Ayah 59

Heheheeeeeeeeeee! Isn’t it interesting how our ignorance could cause us to do things way beyond the line? Just imagine them! Some people had an idea and they shared it with them saying;

‘… ‘We heard a young man talking against them, who is called Ibraaheem.’

Ayah 60

Immediately, they wanted him summoned;

‘… ‘Then bring him before the eyes of the people that they may testify.’

Ayah 61

When he was brought before them, they asked him;

‘… ‘Are you the one who has done this to our gods, O Ibraaheem?’

Ayah 62

May Allah save us from ignorance. Ameen. He replied them saying;

‘… ‘Nay, this one, the biggest of them did it. Ask them, if they can speak!’

Ayah 63

Alhamdu lil Laah for making me a Muslim! You? Allah tells us;

‘So, they turned to themselves and said; ‘verily, you are the wrongdoers. Then they turned to themselves and said: ‘Indeed, you know well that these speak not!’

Ayah 64-65

Subhaanal Laah! Just listen to them? What really is this? The noble Prophet had said;

‘… ‘Do you then worship besides Allah, things that can neither profit you nor harm you? Fie upon you and upon that which you worship besides Allah! Have you then no sense?’

Ayah 66

I can just feel the Prophet’s annoyance and surprise at their ignorance. Have they then no sense? For is this not senseless? Worshipping things that one has created him/herself? Subhaanal Laah! And after he destroyed them, nothing happened to him and nothing happened to them also? But are some of us not doing these same things even today? Aren’t we worshipping the luxuries of this Dunya? Aren’t some of our people making Prophet’s their gods? And what are we doing about it? Hmmm! May Allah indeed save us from the evil that dwell within us. Ameen. And in their ignorance they had decided to burn him. They said;

‘… ‘Burn him and help your gods, if you will be doing.’

Ayah 67

Can you believe that? They were those who had to help their gods by fighting their killer. Subahaanal Laah! Subhaanal Laah! But Allah, the Supreme, the One with all the Power, the Great, the One who begets not nor is He begotten, the One who deserves our worship solely, the one who Created those people and the items they used in making their gods, the one who created the Prophet Abraham and the fire they sought to burn him in had commanded the fire saying;

‘… ‘O fire! Be you coolness and safety for Ibraaheem!’

Subhaanal Laah! Subhaanal Laah! Subhaanal Laah! Allahu Akbar! Indeed, when Allah wills for something to be done, He only says to it, ‘Be’ and it is. Do not doubt Allah’s Might! Do not doubt His Oneness! Do not doubt anything about Him!

Look at the land! Raise your head to the sky! Don’t you see the rain? Don’t you feel the breeze? Don’t you breathe in the air? Won’t you look at the Seas? Won’t you look at the animals and the food you eat? Won’t you look at yourself and how you form? Subhaanal Laah!

Time is not a friend or a foe; it will never benefit us until we do in it what we need to do before it is too late. Let us turn to Allah brothers and sisters. Do not look at the pressure from the Dunya. No, don’t. Make the right trade off. Give it all to Allah. Do as He says and don’t let this temporary world deceive you.

From this story, we derive lessons. Our ignorance of Allah goes against ourselves only. Perhaps we are not worshipping idols today, but what is the essence of us saying we believe when we disobey Allah out rightly whiles we know? Think! Reflect! Ponder!

May Allah make us among those who take heed. Ameen thumma ameen. Pray for the writer of this ‘reminder’ that Allah should not make her do what she reminds against.


By Rubaba Mmahajia Rahma Sabtiu

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