
As I grow, I learn and as I learn, I grow
...Towards Becoming a Beautiful Soul

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Thursday, 18 April 2013


His heart beat too fast with such bad temper
Subhaanal Laah, how amazing these heart beats are
Her dress so nasty I wonder how she feels in it
Alhamdu lil Laah for such a beautiful creation
And then I wish I could cover her up
They say treasures are always hidden
He writes vulgar things for his selfish and lustful desires
Such a great writing style he has been endowed with
Couldn’t he write to praise the Creator?
His words so rude I could not believe it
His talking style so exquisite it could call to the truth
I see people, different shapes and sizes
I give praises to the Al-Mighty for such awesome design
Her frown so provoking I would never go  near her
But wait a moment!
What a beautiful face she has
How extra beautiful it would be to have a smile on it
She cursed the heat burning her from the sun
Is that not a sign of greatness beyond imagination?
Their lyrics instigating nothing but temporary worldly pleasure
But how heart-warming their voices would have been
Singing the most luxurious of all lyrics
From a book without error
So many so healthy and so strong
Yet they bother not to bow and prostrate to Him
The Owner of their strength
It is always about the satisfaction of friends, family or fans
Why not seek the pleasure of the Owner of those three fs
My God! What fading opportunity for earning pleasure
A permanent pleasure and contentment

Rubaba M. R. Sabtiu

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