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Wednesday 9 April 2014


Bismil Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatul Laahi wa barkaatuh brothers and sisters.

Alhamdu lil Laah for everything. We can indeed never thank and praise Allah enough for His abundant Mercies. He is Allah, the One, the Only, the Eternal, the Truth and our Creator. May we live to serve fully the purpose of our lives which is to worship Him only.

The purpose of our lives being to worship Him alone means that absolutely everything that we do must be directed to that and nothing else. This writing of mine should be directed towards that otherwise it is totally a misplaced priority. When you are on whatsapp, facebook or any other social network, or in any group, you should make sure that at the end of the day, it is all coined to seeking the pleasure of Allah: worship.

Ok, so that was just by the way. Today I am writing about some amazing ladies that I’ve been privileged to know. I’m telling an aspect of their story that inspires me so much and that fill me with admiration for them. I have quite a similar story but I’d reserve my aspect for now.

In Level 100 in the University of Ghana

So, I was in level 100 when I met this Muslimah. I was part of an Islamic Initiative for some students and I met this lady too there. Being the Rubaba that I am, I probably didn’t take notice of her for some time in the course of the project. Then one time, I remember clearly, we’ve boarded the same car after one of our many programmes. I was behind her in the car so the moment the fares were requested, she quickly paid. The same thing happened for a number of times until we became a little close (I can’t recall exactly how we got close). She comes to pay me visits in school and all.

One day, she made me cry my eyes out. She told me that she wanted to tell me something she’s been going through all her life (I was in level 200 then). I had no idea what her story could be. She said that she’s never told anyone about it but since she met me she felt so strongly that I was the right person to talk to plus she had a dream in which she was telling that to me. Well, as curious a person as I’ve always been, I got ready for her story.

Her Story…

Well, I’m not going to tell you what she told me! Smile! Would you like me to make such a thing public if you had been the one? Of course no! Plus that will make me not trustworthy. But what I’d say is that her story hit me in places that hurt so badly the two of us cried. You see me, instead of being strong for her, I rather made her cry it out and I cried too. I could not believe a human being could suffer that much (a young girl of 20 I guess she was then).

Apart from the financial problems that she faced badly from childhood up until now (I mean, today 9th April, 2014), she had series of other problems. Could you believe that during Ramadan, she sometimes took water during suhuur and then the same water for iftaar? And she lived with human beings who could help her if they wanted? Well that is just a very little bit of her problems. And to imagine that she struggled to get money for transportation to the programme and yet she paid my fares sometimes, that was a killer. But could you believe that if you saw her even today, nothing, absolutely nothing will give you the slightest idea that she’s going through all that?

The Groaning and Praising Part

Now, this lady has another problem, that is; ill-health. She ever had an accident involving a close relative and she was never taken cared of properly. So, she still lives with the pain. A very serious pain yet where does she get the financial support to take detail care of her body? And this lady, upon all the temptations to allow herself to be played with by men in order to have the financial support she needs, she still keeps herself intact. I mean she keeps her chastity (virginity) and modesty (Hijab with a proper attitude). She groans in all that pain yet she praises Allah for everything that comes her way.

In Level 200 in the University of Ghana

So, I had met another Muslimah lady whilst I was in level 200 and she was in level 100. I call her today; ‘My Princess daughter.’ She hadn’t really cared much about the deen. But the pace at which she grew in the deen the moment she was set on the path is mind-blowing. The moment she found out something was not allowed in Islam, she stayed away and when it is recommended then she holds unto it. She learns the deen as much as she can and puts what she learns into practice too. This is not what I want to write about though.

The Groaning and Praising Part

She has a health problem. She tells me;

‘Rubaba, I can’t even describe the nature of the pain to the doctor.’

And she truly couldn’t. You don’t want to be a witness to her pains. And she looks perfectly fine on the surface yet she hurts deeply from within. Hospitals and doctors are her companions. But with all the pain, the moment something has to be done for Islam in school, she is in the forefront. My words could probably not describe her situation enough. This lady is her mum’s helper. And when she cried for strength and good health, she did so for her mum.

‘My mum, Rubaba! My mum!’

And then she cries her pain out because she needed so badly to help her mum with her business. But she still tried her best. Even in the pains, she would still go shopping for her mum whenever she needed it without letting her know that she had an attack again. As she groaned in her pain, she does nothing but praises and thanks Allah for her situation.

A Muslimah I Met

So, we had an Islamic programme in another university. That was where I met her. She was looking all good and smiling. Naturally, she got along with everyone from the very first time; I was no different. Soon, we got attached from facebook and due to other friends I knew whom she also knew.

And Oh! She is also that religious and striving to get higher in obedience to Allah. She tells a mum of mine and I about how bad her health condition had been and then she was operated on. Now this surgery had left her a series of problems. One day, when I had found out one of these problems, I had almost cried but suppressed it so she does not start crying. I shook all over even though she seemed to be used to it. Absolutely nothing about her would let you think she could be facing such a challenge in life.

Then one day, I chat with her on whatsapp and she tells me of how much trouble she was facing (a strong young single Muslimah). Then she tells me of how much she feared to go through another surgery even though it seemed to be lurking in the corner somewhere. So as usual, I tried to rain words to cool her heart but behind the computer, I was really thinking hard. This is an admirable Muslimah indeed. With this pain, she goes about helping with Islamic programmes and all. I had told her that she’s inspired an article from me (I was thinking of it already but she put my thoughts in place). As she groaned in pain, she says Alhamdu lil Laah for everything. He knows best!

Tears definitely flow for these ladies. There are more of these people that I have met. I know an extremely active Muslimah who has a problem with her back: pains that won’t simply go away no matter the treatment. Yet, the moment she’s called upon, she comes in cheers ready to serve Allah as much as she could. She simply tunes her mind off the pain because whether she is active or not, the pains would be there anyway.

These are people that when you open my heart, you find in the forefront solely for the sake of Allah. Strong young Muslim ladies who make me think real hard. If you do not do du’a for people like them, then indeed, you have a really hard heart (Heheheee). If any of these people read this article (and I’m going to make them read it), they should know that Allah is with them, Aware of their situation. It is only a test that they must strive hard to pass.
Abû Hurayrah relates that the Prophet suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam said: 

“Allah will ask on the Day of Judgment: ‘Where are those who loved each other for the sake of My glory? Today, - on a day when there is no shade but mine – I shall shade them with My shade.” 

(Sahîh Muslim)

May we love one another solely for the sake and pleasure of Allah so that Allah may favour us with His Shade. Aameen. And I know there are a lot more people who have similar stories to tell whom I don’t know. I just want to remind all of them that indeed Allah does not burden anyone with that which he or she cannot bear so if they are going through all these, they should know that they have the strength to bear them: Allah is our Strength. They should remember this ayah always;

‘And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me.’

Surah Ash-Shuara, The Poets, Chapter 26 ayah 80

Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth, may He fill us up with His Light. He is the friend of those who believe in Him, may He be our Friend. He is the Turner of hearts, may He turn our hearts to Him solely. Aameen.

I love you fiisabi lil Laah and I will always do. May Allah love you and I more. Aameen.

Jazaakumul Laahu khair always!!!
Islam Forever in shaa Allah!!!
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatul Laah!!!
Rubaba Mmahajia Rahma Sabtiu

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