Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem
alaykum wa rahmatul Laahi wa barkaatuhu brothers and sisters in Islam. Alhamdu
lil Laah for everything that He has done for us and for everything that He has
deprived us. Whatever He does is perfect and may He favour us with contentment
in this Dunya and the Akhira. Aameen.
are a number of ahaadith in which the Prophet talks about the virtues of
reading Surah al-Kahf, the Cave, Chapter 18. Among them is this;
Ibn Umar radiyal Laahu anhum said;
‘The Messenger of Allah suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam said: ‘Whoever reads
surah al-Kahf on the day of Jum’ah, a light will shine for him from beneath his
feet to the clouds of the sky, which will shine for him on the Day of Resurrection
and he will be forgiven his sins between the two Fridays.’
is enough motivation to get you grabbing the opportunity. May Allah azza wa jal
make it easy for us to do this. Aameen.
I was reading this book and when talking on companionship, the author had made
a heart-stabbing analysis. I have never ever thought about it in that regard.
In a very popular hadith, the Prophet suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam makes a
parable of how our companions influence us. He says;
‘The example of a good companion and a
bad companion is like that of the seller of musk and the one who blows the
blacksmith’s bellows. So as for the seller of musk, either he will grant you
some or you buy some from him or at least you enjoy a pleasant smell from him.
As for the one who blows the blacksmith’s bellows, either he will burn your
clothes or you will get an offensive smell from him.’
Bukhari and Muslim
there are many instances where the Prophet suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam
stressed on the importance of good companionship and the dangers of bad ones.
Dhikrul Laah (Zikrul Laah, the
Remembrance of Allah)
ask the question; ‘How is the remembrance of Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘aalaa
possible in the company of one who does not care about the dos and don’ts of
Allah azza wa jal? Yet at any point in
time, whether alone or in a gathering of two or more, one should endeavour to be
remembering Allah ar-Rahmaan in one way or the other. This is possible when you
choose the right companions who will constantly remind you of Allah, enjoin you
to that which is good and discourage you from that which is bad. In a hadith
Qudsi, Allah azza wa jal says;
‘I am as my servant thinks I am. I am
with him when he mentions Me. If he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to
Myself; and if he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly
greater than it. If he draws near to Me a hand’s length, I draw near to him at
an arm’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.’
Laah! Alhamdu lil Laah! Allaahu Akbar! Laa haula wa laakuwwata illaa bil Laah!
Hasbunal Laahu wa ni’amal wakeel! Laa ilaaha illaa huwa, wahdahu laa shareeka
lahu, lahul mulk wa lahul hamd wahuwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in qadeer! Laa ilaaha
illal Laah! Yaa Salaam! Yaa Mujeeb! Yaa Hayyu! Yaa Qayyum! To Him belongs the
most beautiful names so let us call Him by them.
extremely rewarding it will be for Allah azza wa jal to remember us within
Himself and even more in an assembly far greater. What are you waiting for? You
should know what you should be doing right now? And if you are going to be
remembering Allah in a gathering or an assembly, then your companion should be
The Prophets’ Wives Who Perished
the wives of Prophet Nuh and Lut alayhimas salaam are among the unluckiest
beings in this Dunya and the Akhira. Imagine that their companions should have
been among the finest of humans yet they chose to seek companionship elsewhere:
with the people who had earned Allah’s anger. So Allah al-Adl sends them to
Jahannam along with their companions. Allah says;
‘Allah sets forth an example for those
who disbelieve: the wife of Nuh and the wife of Lut. They were under two of our
righteous slaves but they both betrayed them. So they (the Prophets) availed
them not against Allah and it was said; ‘Enter the fire along with those who
Surah at-Tahreem, the Prohibition,
Chapter 66 ayah 10
Yet a Dog is Honoured
Prophet suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam does not encourage much the keeping of
dogs except for some particular purposes. So it is interesting to note that
because the wives of Prophets (as mentioned above) chose bad companions, Allah
mentions them with them; ‘Enter the fire
along with those who enter.’ Yet a dog is mentioned in this same Qur’an
with people of great honour. A number of youth who have been set forth as an
example for us; those who hope to dodge the harsh realities of our era. The dog
was mentioned among the companions of the cave; ashaabul kahf, who run away
from the evil that had engulfed their people in order to seek the pleasure of
‘Do you think that the people of the
Cave and the Inscription were a wonder among our signs? Remember when the young
men fled for refuge from their disbelieving folk to the Cave. They said; ‘Our
Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself and facilitate for us our affair in the
right way! Therefore We covered up their hearing (causing them to go into deep
sleep) for a number of years. Then we raised them up that We might test which
of the two parties was best at calculating the time period that they had
tarried. We narrate to you their story with truth: Truly, they were young men
who believed in their Lord and We increased them in guidance. And We made their
hearts firm and strong when they stood up and said; ‘Our Lord is the Lord of
the heavens and the earth, never shall we call upon any illah (god) other than
Him. Why do they not bring for them a clear authority? And who does more wrong
than he who invents a lie against Allah.’
Surah al-Kahf, the Cave, Chapter 18
ayah 15
aayaat above shows us clearly that type of companionship that the young men
had. They drew one another closer and closer to Allah and He favoured them.
Could we say the same about our friends? We must indeed ponder. And we are told
by the Supreme, Allah, how their dog had enjoyed this bliss with them because
he was their Khalil (friend). Allah says in ayah 18 of that same surah that;
‘And you would have thought them
awake, whereas they were asleep. And We turned them on their right and on their
left sides, and their dog stretching forth his two forelegs at the entrance.
Had you looked at them, you would certainly have turned back from them in
flight and would certainly have been filled with awe of them.’
can see clearly in what context the wives of the Prophets and the dog is
mentioned. Those women would forever be remembered with the evil of their
companionship and the dog will forever be remembered with the honour that Allah
azza wa jal placed on these youth. To the pondering mind, this is something
that should not be brushed aside at all.
thinking deeply and always remember me and all others in your du’a. Love
fiisabi lil Laah and may Allah love us more. Aameen.
Jazaakumul Laahu khair always!
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatul Laah